I use this site to display four types of work:

Other Projects


Other projects include additional contributions and services (community involvement, isopod availability, and more to come).

Industry Work


I have a diverse portfolio in EdTech, websites, apps, marketing/branding, and more. I'm a user-centered researcher and writer with a background in design and psychology. Check out my freelance and contract services here.

Academic Work


I have an extensive list of academic accomplishments and interests (UX design, mentorship, program development, etc.). I'm a cognitive psychologist and neuroscientist with over a decade of experience in applied research and university teaching.  

Creative Work


My various domains of interest are always growing (diagramming information architecture, photography, short articles, blogging, etc.). I'm an animal-lover, knowledge-consumer, and philanthropist.

Venn Diagram


Who have I worked with?


What do people have to say?

"Dr. Jennings is easily one of the most capable, observant, wonderful, and humble people I've ever had the pleasure to work with. She is adaptable to situations, learns new skills extremely quickly, and is able to use her deep understanding of psychology to leverage her research to create meaningful and impactful insights. She is thoughtful, mindful, kind, and simply just a joy to be around."
Kat Kingsley
Chief of Staff
"Eevin did high quality work, and completed the project very quickly. Very qualified and professional. Will reach out to Eevin again for future projects."
Parker S.
Associate Director of CRO, National University
"Eevin was great to work with. She developed several templates for our social media posts, and we are actively using them. She also put together a slide for a special film event, and we were very happy with how it turned out."
Fabi Hirsch Kruse
CEO and Founder
"Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful - It was beyond my expectation. Eevin is very skillful, she knows her job, she is readily available when you need her. She supported us beyond her duty call. She is really qualified and suitable for the job. Working with her was so motivating and we would like to do more projects with her."
Saeed W.
CEO and Founder
"This was very nice for decision-making. It allowed a high degree of parallel input that would have literally taken hours or days to get through using any kind of round-robin discussion."
Isaac V.
Director of Core Technology
"Eevin went above and beyond to use her skillsets in user research, data visualization and survey design (among many others!) to help every department when we worked together at Volition. Whether it was to help understand the needs of our summer intern group or to properly run a post mortem after a major game release, she was not only an expert on gathering the data, but also managing, aggregating, and displaying it in an easily digestible way that made all of us feel like our thoughts and feelings mattered."
Sarah Masuda